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Everyone is loving this woman's powerful response to being fat-shamed for wearing shorts

“You might have an issue with my body. I don’t.”

13450734_10154740814145942_9002659650173338968_n Source: Brynne Huffman/Facebook

A WOMAN IS going viral after sharing her experience of getting fat-shamed while out and about running errands last week.

Brynne Huffman began her Facebook status by explaining what she was wearing: shorts, a top and flip-flops.

Let me pause for a moment to tell you it took some courage to both purchase and wear said shorts because my legs, while tan from swimming and muscular from dancing, are (1) not where I would like them to be and (2) are not up traditional beauty standards (read: Photoshopped) because cellulite.

While in the post office, she found herself standing between two women and proceeded to make some small talk.

Woman #1 in front of me was about sixty. As I took my place in line behind her, she smiled and complimented me on my tan and my hair. We chitchatted about the weather and children until it was her turn at the counter.

But things took a rather unsavoury turn when she chatted to the second woman. “It the spirit of paying it forward, I turned to Woman #2 behind me and smiled,” Huffman wrote. “Woman #2 was probably about 30-35, very attractive, about a size 8, wearing a shirt that says ‘COEXIST’.”

She says: “Your hair really is amazing. ::cocks head to side:: “You should probably rethink the shorts though.”


Huffman wrote that the remark instantly filled her with rage.

My face instantly flushes, not out of embarrassment but anger. No, not anger. Rage.
My fists clenched up. I know this because I felt my nails digging into my palms. So many things ran through my head. Because I don’t have time to get arrested today, what came out was this: ”You should probably rethink your shirt.”

“I wanted to say more but was afraid, of all things, that I would start crying. All I wanted to do do was go home and change my clothes. And THAT made me angry.”

She then pointed out the hypocrisy of a woman daring to make remarks about a stranger’s weight while wearing a t-shirt that says “coexist”.

gnd Source: Brynne Huffman/Twitter

She ended her status by imploring women not to tear each other down and kindly reminding people that they are not invited to make judgments on anyone else’s body.

celebr Source: Brynne Huffman/Facebook

Huffman shared the status on Facebook last week where it picked up a whopping 10,000 likes and tons of comments applauding her bravery.

It was subsequently picked up by Love What Matters, a popular Facebook page, where it was liked by over 374,000 people.

Hopefully now people will the get the message — a person’s body is none of your goddamn business.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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